Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Home to die.

The guy who started bleeding internally never came back but he didn't die. He spent a few weeks in the hospital and then went into some kind of long term care facility.

Last week I got to drive some guy home to die. He came in too late. He was tall and movie star handsome. A charming fellow. He'd destroyed his guts, his liver and his heart. He came in and stayed for a couple of days but his vital signs got dangerous, so he was taken off to the hospital.

A week later, he came back with a manilla envelope of care instructions and a list of 10 or so medications he was supposed to take. We are not equipped to provide that level of care, so he was shipped back to his family. It was a four hour drive to a charming, isolated seaside town. He lived in a nice old house. His wife was beautiful. He just had enough strength to make it in the door on his own power. He's younger than me. That is, if he's still alive.

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